
Ticket Prices (Additional taxes & fees may apply; ticket prices subject to change)

VIP: $125

P2: $55.00

P3: $35.00

P4: $25.00

Additional Details


While we understand that there is a wide range of beliefs related to COVID-19 safety procedures, we appreciate your cooperation in adhering to the following guidelines that will allow us to gather for this event:

• Temperature checks will be required for entry. As your tickets are scanned and you enter the facility, a member of our volunteer team will conduct a temperature check to ensure that no attendee has a fever of 100.4°F or higher per the CDC’s recommendation.

• Per CDC guidelines, face coverings are strongly recommended in the building for your protection and the protection of those around you. However, mask enforcement will be subject to local regulations.

• Please maintain the recommended 6-foot physical distance at all times, even in areas that are not marked with reminders.

• For the safety of one another, refrain from hugging, high fiving, handshakes, or other physical contact.

• Food and drink will not be permitted in the sanctuary.

• If you or someone in your family is exhibiting any health-related symptoms, please stay home and do not attend the event.

By purchasing a ticket, you are agreeing to follow the COVID-19 safety guidelines detailed above. Please consider that there is an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 or other infectious diseases in any place where people are present. Although we have implemented recommended practices to promote the health and safety for all of our attendees and event staff, we cannot ensure or be held liable that the premises are free from contagions. By voluntarily entering and being present at this event, you (and each person in your party) acknowledge and agree to accept complete and sole responsibility for the inherent risk of possible exposure.

General Information: Due to limited capacity related to social distancing measures, attendees of all ages will be required to have their own ticket. Ticket prices subject to increase when purchased at the door. COVID protocols are subject to change based on state and local guidelines at the time of the event. All purchases are non-refundable.

Tour Info

A Note from the Band: “Hey friends, We can’t thank you enough for your patience and your love through this past year. We didn’t know this tour was going to be a farewell tour when we planned it, and certainly didn’t know a pandemic was going to descend upon us when we started it. But here we are. A year has passed, and even though the whole world shut down, you have held onto your ticket, hoping and praying, along with us, that we’d get to gather and sing together in person one more time. We are beyond stoked to let you know, we’ve finally figured out a situation where we can actually accomplish just that. Granted, it’s not a perfect situation, but we’d love to invite you to celebrate these songs with us one more time. Through much prayer and deliberation, we’ve decided to do two final shows.These shows will take place in a large church in Orlando. One night storytelling power acoustic, and the next night will be a full on rock show. The best part about this decision, we feel, is that this will enable the entire band to be back together again. Jeff, Ruben, Jason, Brendon, and myself (Mike) will all be present and ready to play.”

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