Ticket Prices (Additional taxes & fees may apply; ticket prices subject to change)
VIP includes Premium seating in the exclusive VIP Section (seating within the VIP section is general admission), a VIP laminate signed by CeCe, Early Access to Merchandise shopping, AND $5 off voucher for CeCe Merchandise. VIP doors open at 5:30PM.
Early Entry: – SOLD OUT!
Want to beat the rush and get early access to great seats? This is the ticket for you! Doors open at 5:45PM. Concert begins at 7PM. Must arrive by 5:45PM to take advantage of Early Entry benefits.
General Admission: – SOLD OUT!
Seating on a first come, first-served basis. Doors open at 6PM. Show starts at 7PM.
Group 4 +: – SOLD OUT!
Discounted rate for groups of 4 or more. Seating is first come, first served. Doors open at 6PM. Show starts at 7PM.
Additional Details
SCHEDULE (subject to change):
5:45PM – Early Entry Doors open
6:00PM – General Admission Doors open
7:00PM – Concert begins